Thursday, February 22, 2007

Maybe this will clarify things....

So Julia, I know it is confusing when I talk about what I am up to and where, since I do move around a lot. I hope this map is clear enough, could not get it any bigger. It takes me about 45 minutes to drive from my sister's to my parents, and about 40 minutes from my parents to work (with no traffic).

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Gilmore Girls

Ah ha! I TOLD you!!!

Monday, February 05, 2007

a weekend at my sister's...

Gavin and Daniel taking shots on Sue (in net).
Gavin and Me

Samy (likes the attention we think)

Princess Chloe
Chloe is helping me bake Swedish Lemon Squares.... (involves lots of icing sugar)

Chloe at Gavin's bday party

John, playing house.

Gavin thinking about his birthday wish

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Rambling the moors

Yes, and now it is February. Where is the year going? I'm not working right now (because I am waiting for a delayed visa to wing its way over the sea to me) and so each individual day seems rather long, but the weeks fly by. In an effort to stave off boredom last weekend I went hiking in Settle. It's in the Yorkshire Dales National Park, one I have not been to since we were all out hiking with the outdoor soc. I ususally prefer moors. But how foolish I was to assume that the Dales would have only lush green valleys and docile sheep! I found the most moor-ish of moors and the craggiest of crags in Settle and I think it is possibly one of the lovliest corners of this small island. So, pictures.



The top of the crag and the fog coming in.
(Because I am a prairie girl and anything larger than a small hill is novel and exciting and must not under any circumstances be neglected as one never knows if another will appear.)

By the way, I am happy to report that it is spring here in York. I went for a wander in the Museum Gardens yesterday and found crocuses and snowdrops. Of course, I would not presume to suggest that seasons follow each other in a logical, sequential order on this continent, so it may well be winter again tomorrow.